Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A Promise is a Promise.

I don't know what has gotten into me lately. I've been through another slump and some of my more personal issues are making their ways back into my mind. It might be hard to say this without you knowing what those issues are, but it's not something that I wish to disclose to anyone. Even my closest friends don't know the details of the matter, but please, bare with me.

Something big happened to me a while back and I don't know if the scars will ever run themselves dry. Still, I can't get myself to blame anyone for anything or any of those other vents that we use to let go of things. Its so much easier to let go if you blamed someone else or even yourself, because then it sort of feels like its resolved-as if the "mystery" surrounding the event were gone. If you make up your own answers, then there's no more reason to ask yourself "Why?" It may seem like an odd solution, but we all do it. We help ourselves move on by resolving things in our own hearts no matter what the method.

But I can't seem to bring myself to do that. I can't blame anyone. I can't make up answers for this, and becasue I can't do that, I can't help but ask myself "Why?" over and over again. There was never any intention to hurt or anything, so how can I place the blame if there is nothing for anyone to be blamed for?

But then I remembered all the promises that we made. Promises to laugh and smile. Promises to protect and cherish. Promises to remember and move on.

Promises to live.

There are other ways to move on and move forward without putting anything behind you. I promised to never regret my past, disregard the present, or fear the future. Maybe I can't make up reasons for this to have happened and maybe I can't stop asking myself "Why?" but that doesn't mean that I've lost the fight.

Everytime something smacks you down time and time again, look at it straight in the face- don't run. Remember everything that lead you down the path you are on and the promises that kept you going until that point and how you vowed never to break them. Then look at your problem for what it is and say "A promise is a promise."



Anonymous said...

That was the sweetest thing I've ever heard. I can totally use this in my daily life. Thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . Um abraço.